Provide Safe, Fast Access to Life-Saving Blood Products

with BloodTrack® Emerge, our emergency blood management software

Learn how you can enhance the care efficiency and safety of exsanguinating patients with BloodTrack® software.

BloodTrack® Emerge, our emergency blood management software system, provides fast access to life-saving blood products to support ratio-based transfusions and works with the BloodTrack HaemoBank® blood storage device or any standard refrigerator.

BloodTrack Emerge enables:

  • The Blood Bank to monitor, track and secure universally compatible RBCs and plasma in real-time.
  • Trauma departments to meet ACS TQIP Massive Transfusion Guidelines for blood product availability.1
  • Optimal use of O-negative RBCs by configuring age and gender rules.
  • Improved efficiency with more effective management of workflows and the ability to proactively respond to emergent situations.

The following improvements were based on user experience after implementing BloodTrack software:


Improved workflow

6-10 hours

Blood Bank staff time
savings per month


Reduction in time
to access blood

1 American College of Surgeons (ACS) Trauma Quality Improvement Program (TQIP) Massive Transfusion in Trauma Guidelines recommends ‘Universally compatible RBC and thawed plasma should be immediately available and ideally stored in the emergency department (ED).

2 Schafer, D. (2016), Improved Workflow Efficiencies through Remote Refrigerator Storage. Transfusion. 56:3A-275A. AP66.

3 Improving the patient’s odds in “the golden hour”.

4 Better care comes with added benefits.

*The previous improvements were experienced by individual hospitals after implementing the BloodTrack Software. The customer experiences described here relate to individual institutions’ experiences using BloodTrack Software. There may be factors other than the use of BloodTrack that could affect the ultimate outcomes the institutions experienced. However, we do not make any representation that the institutions’ experiences are typical, and indeed they may not be typical. The institutions’ experiences do not provide any indication, guide, warranty, or guarantee as to the experience other institutions may have with BloodTrack Software. The experience other institutions or customers may have with the product could be different. Experiences managing blood supplies, with or without BloodTrack Software, can and do vary among institutions.


© 2022 Haemonetics Corporation. Haemonetics, BloodTrack, HaemoBank are trademarks or registered trademarks of Haemonetics Corporation in the USA, other countries, or both.
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